How long do you let water sit before putting fish in?
This old school piece of advice comes from the fact that municipalities often put chlorine in tap water (which is lethal to fish), but if you let the water sit out for ….
How often do you need to clean a fish tank?
Some people say once a week, while others say once a month. The real answer is that it totally depends! Several factors include the size of your tank, how many fish you keep, and how much biological filtration (e.g., beneficial bacteria and live plants) you have. Fortunately, we have a free guide to help you […]
Do you need to Quarantine your Fish?
Many beginners may not know this, but one of the easiest ways to stop your fish from getting sick is to set up a quarantine tank. This separate aquarium is used to temporarily hold newly purchased fish or ailing animals that need a quiet environment to heal. By putting them in isolation, it allows you […]
How to Clean Your Aquarium
Here is a step-by-step guide for you to follow on a regular basis: Step 1: Test the Water Quality If your aquarium is newly established and has not been cycled yet, you need to test the water to determine if it has 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrites, and less than 40 ppm nitrates. (For […]
Audio Post
Proin scelerisque consectetur nisl. Praesent tempus vitae metus quis tempor. Fusce nulla turpis, fermentum posuere luctus in, laoreet vel libero. In ultricies tortor vitae aliquet ultrices. Donec sit amet eleifend lorem, ac tempus turpis. Vivamus hendrerit, felis vitae porttitor auctor, velit augue tempor urna, in bibendum mi purus ac erat. Vivamus eu magna eu nulla […]
Gallery Post
Images below are linked to their attachment page Maecenas et molestie nibh. Cras felis leo, tincidunt quis lorem eget, rutrum suscipit quam. Fusce dui mi, malesuada ut ornare non, rhoncus in ipsum. Pellentesque vehicula mauris sed lorem sollicitudin, vitae consequat nisl interdum. Duis lacinia felis vel enim iaculis, quis congue eros sodales. Proin sed eros […]
Video Post
Vestibulum tincidunt fringilla gravida. Sed risus augue, congue sed ex et, ultrices mattis quam. Nulla tincidunt, erat non condimentum placerat, felis lacus blandit tellus, vel eleifend lacus augue vitae enim. Nam eget dui arcu. Vivamus sed leo aliquet, tincidunt tortor vel, accumsan mi.
Lifespan of freshwater aquarium fishes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus nunc, torquent id convallis urna ut varius, sollicitudin mauris integer non, dapibus orci aliquam quis quis pellentesque. Dictum dolor, ipsum erat non ac, praesent amet diam amet. Rhoncus voluptatibus scelerisque scelerisque nisi sit libero, ultricies lectus ligula arcu class magna. Non eget in senectus, erat nunc massa, amet id […]
Piranha Keeping for Beginners
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tellus nunc, torquent id convallis urna ut varius, sollicitudin mauris integer non, dapibus orci aliquam quis quis pellentesque. Dictum dolor, ipsum erat non ac, praesent amet diam amet. Rhoncus voluptatibus scelerisque scelerisque nisi sit libero, ultricies lectus ligula arcu class magna. Non eget in senectus, erat nunc massa, amet id […]